France gets first premium quality wine in CANS

13 Jun

A French company, Winestar, has launched wine in cans with the aim of making good quality wine more accessible to the young, who they say have moved away from taking wines on picnics and have turned to beer, coke and spirits instead.  Cedric Segal, a co-founder of the company, explained they want wine to be become like beers or soft drinks as they aim “to become the Nespresso of wine and popularise it”.

winestar cans

Winestar is a range of premium French wines, from famous wine regions, and enables you to drink differently. A glass of ros£ for an aperitif ? A mineral white wine to go with a fish, or a more floral one to accompany a Mediterrannean dish ? How about a well balanced oak-aged red wine with a red meat or a cheese ?

Everyone is now free to drink the wine they really want, one can at a time. One can equals to a glass, which enables one to really drink responsibly. The 187 ml can is ideal for snacking, take-away restaurants, outdoor and trekking, but also at home to enjoy with a nice meal, or minibars in luxury hotels.

Compact, unbreakable and light, it is also a perfect choice for transportation like trains or plane catering, yachting.

In the past some poor quality wines have been sold in cans but Cedric Segal believes there will be 1.3 million Euros a year of business – with their new format.  The Winestar cans will soon be available in Carrefour City stores.  Currently in Germany 60 million cans a year are sold.

Ball Packaging Europe have developed the cans which exclude all light and air and prevent the wine from oxidising.


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